Energy for a Better World
A message from Suppgrade Labs Founder, Dave Asprey
Biohacking is my business, but it’s not my motivation. My deeper purpose is this: I want to save you from the terror of not having control, at least enough control, of your own biology. I know that when you develop more energy, it fuels everything you want to do in your life, including just being a better person.
Right now, humanity is at a crossroads. The nearly 8 billion people on Earth act as a single cooperative organism with an enormous number of decision-making nodes called individual humans. Each of those people, in turn, is an organism with quadrillions of its own little decision-making nodes running the MeatOS. Collectively, that’s a staggering amount of power and complexity, a system unlike anything that has ever before existed on this planet. Every morning I read the headlines and it strikes me how much capacity we have to operate in kindness and generosity—or to immerse ourselves in hatred and selfishness.
We have to fix our own operating system, our biology. Otherwise, we’re on a path to kill one another and destroy the planet. It’s time for a human upgrade, because we’re all a part of the big and precarious human organism. If we are going to heal as a society, we must begin by healing ourselves, and that begins by creating full-power biology that honors our inner workings instead of ignoring them. We may be motivated by laziness, but we are not lazy; we are powerful. We are wired to handle this—and so much more.

Father of Biohacking
For over 25 years, Dave Asprey has worked with world-renowned doctors, researchers, scientists, and global mavericks to uncover the latest, most innovative methods, techniques, and products for enhancing mental and physical performance. Dave has personally spent over $2 million taking control of his own biology – pushing the bounds of human possibility all in the name of science evolution and revolution.
The creator of the Bulletproof Diet, and innovator of Bulletproof Coffee, Collagen Protein supplements, Danger Coffee and many more advances in commercial wellness products, Dave’s mission is to empower the entire globe with information and knowledge that unlocks the Super Human in everyone at any age. The proof of these advancements is better sleep, energy, and expanded capacity for all.
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